Acid Rain, How Does it Impact The Environment?

Acid rain refers to the precipitation of atmospheric acidic substances into the underlying surface in the form of rain, snow, particulate matter, gaseous matter and water vapor. The first person to discover acid rain was M. Ducros, who published his article in the 1845. A journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry confirmed its existence. As an environmental…

Wilkinsburg Weekly: Abandoned Lots And Thoughts For Blooming

This is part one of my four-week Wilkinsburg Weekly project, where I will be posting a photo or two of nature and environment in the borough of Wilkinsburg, which is just outside the City of Pittsburgh. Abandoned lots and vacant homes are common in the borough, and many sites throughout are utilized for creative purposes…

Pittsburgh Water Safety – Get Informed! Take Action!

Dozens of Allegheny County municipalities are facing a water crisis. Water and sewage systems across the county violate the Department of Health requirements for lead levels as well as other regulations for ensuring that citizens have safe water to drink. Aging water and sewage systems in the area, especially those in underserved communities, are the…