Quick Guide: Getting Journal Articles through Interlibrary Loan


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It’s that time of year again…leaves are falling from the trees, the air is getting chilly, and you need to find full-text articles for an end-of-semester assignment.

Not to worry! Getting journal articles through interlibrary loan is a pretty painless process, once you get used to it.

First, make sure to check if the library has access to the article you are looking for in our print collection or through our online journal subscriptions. To do this, go to the library website and check theĀ List of Print and Online Journals to see if we have access to the journal (or magazine or newspaper) that published the article in question. If we do have access to the journal that published the article you are looking for, make sure that we have access for the year the article was published – for instance, we sometimes don’t have access to articles published in the most recent 12 months.

If we don’t have access to the article, the next step is easy: simply fill out an Interlibrary Loan Request for a Journal Article. Be sure to fill the form out as completely as possible, which will insure that the request will process quickly.

As always, check in with any of the Jennie King Mellon librarians if you have any questions about this process!


Contributed by: Lora M. Dziemiela, Reference Associate

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