By the people, for the people: CSG weekly update

On Thursday, November 12, the Chatham Student Government held their weekly meeting in the Conover Room. The topics discussed were Thanksgiving Dinner and developing ideas for the student orientation for the 2016-2017 year. In attendance was Dean of Students Zauyah Waite, Director of Residence Life Heather Black, Student Activities and Residence Life staff member Stephanie Alvarez Poe, and the members of CSG.

Black started the meeting by talking about the tradition of Thanksgiving Dinner on campus. She explained that this is a time to bring students and staff together to celebrate the holiday.

The conversation then moved to orientation for the 2016-2017 school year.

“We are starting fresh and throwing the old schedule out of the window,” said Black. CSG members were asked to form groups and come up with one program that they would like to see implemented for orientation.

After being given five to ten minutes to think and discuss, each group presented a program they thought students would enjoy. Some students suggested doing a tour of Pittsburgh so students who are not from the area can learn about their new surroundings.

Question were also posed about the necessity mandatory events during orientation

“When everything is mandatory, it makes people exhausted,” said Heathir McIntyre, Vice-President of the Class of 2016.

CSG members believe that if people have the option to come and if events sound interesting, then they will most likely come to events.