
Class trip to Homewood to tour Cluster 4

Recently, Dr. Grossmann’s master-level course, Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities took a field trip to Homewood to have a tour of Cluster 4 with Operation Better Block’s (OBB) Gabby DeMarchi. The current Homewood grant project team members are in this class along with other first and second year Falk School of Sustainability graduate students. Gabby […]

Updates on Morgan’s Homewood research

Morgan has interviewed 13 people living in Homewood so far. An overwhelming majority of respondents are in favor of some type of inclusionary zoning model to incorporate an equitable amount of affordable housing in an apartment complex. Most of the respondents view East Liberty negatively, with one factor as the perceptive displacement of long-term residents. Respondents […]

Updates from Morgan Block on Cluster 4

Through my first few weeks at Operation Better Block, I have been working on/following a green infrastructure project in Homewood’s Cluster 4. The green infrastructure project will be placed along Finance Street and aims to aid in reducing the storm water runoff that has plagued the street, cluster, and neighborhood. Port Authority is spearheading the […]