Foodie on the Half Shell: Fight the winter blues with warm food

I try not to complain about the weather, because I feel like it is a waste of energy and time for us all. In these frigid last couple months of winter, though, I’ve begun to understand the winter blues.

A great way to beat the blues is to cook and eat warm food. Cooking by the stove and oven keeps you nice and toasty, and so will moving around the kitchen. Being sedentary with a big box of Cheez-Its sounds great until the last episode of your favorite show is over on Netflix and you are still cold…and hungry.

This recipe will keep you warm and full for a while. It is inspired by a dish at Girasole in Shadyside. It consists of cannellini beans cooked in a well seasoned tomato sauce over pasta with garlic kale on top. It is quite hearty, but full of protein and carbs to give you a lot of energy and to keep you strong during these treacherous sub zero days.

I take a lot of short cuts in this recipe, such as canned beans instead of dried beans and store bought tomato sauce instead of homemade. To my defense, though, my tomatoes did not turn out well this year and I am still trying to figure out how to soak and cook dried beans properly.

If anyone has good advice, please let me know. I am really trying to switch over and avoid the toxic BPA in the cans! But alas, cans are so very handy. Especially for people with jobs, children, or school-work–which means the majority of us.

Enjoy this recipe with a good glass of red wine, a mood candle, and someone you love. This recipe is for big portions because you will want a lot of this stuff!

What you will need for 2-4 people (depending)

1 large bunch of kale roughly chopped

2 cloves of minced garlic

8 ounces of al dente pasta

1 can of cannellini beans

½ of a medium onion chopped finely

2 cups of your favorite tomato sauce

1 Tbs of hot chili flakes (less if you don’t like a lot of spice)

1 Tbs of fresh basil

A lot of Parmesan to grate on top

Salt and pepper to taste

Olive oil for cooking

For the kale, start the process by heating some garlic with some olive oil on low heat. When the garlic becomes fragrant, add in the kale in stages on medium heat. For each handful of kale, stir around and sprinkle a little salt so it will wilt. When all of the kale is added, be sure to stir it around the olive oil until it is all well coated. Add more olive oil, if needed. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

For the beans and tomato sauce, start by heating up olive oil and tossing in the onion and garlic. When that is fragrant and the onions are translucent, add in your tomato sauce, basil, and pepper flakes. Let the sauce come to a boil and then turn down the heat. Add the cannellini beans and salt and pepper to taste. Let the mixture simmer for about 15-20 minutes so the flavors can marry.

To put the dish together, top the bean and tomato sauce mixture on some of the pasta, and then layer the kale on top of the beans. Finish with good parmesan grated on top of everything.

Foodie on the Half Shell: Have an eclectic meal at Zenith’s Cafe

A hidden gem is amidst us, everyone. As a self proclaimed trendy foodie, I was disappointed in myself for not knowing about Zenith’s Vegetarian Café sooner.

Experience this with me…you are going to brunch on a Sunday morning with friends, expecting a little hole-in-the-wall of a café. Instead, you walk into what appears to be a huge antique store filled with only the best vintage clothes, decorations, paintings, statues, jewelry, light bulbs, and, of course, about 100 different Virgin Mary statuettes. It is a good thing that there is a large antique store chock full of goodies to look at because the wait for their café can be around an hour long. Don’t worry though, there is coffee available to tide you over and a funky sitting area to rest your legs after climbing through the mountains of antique glory.

The dining room is just as funkadelic, and it even had remainders of Christmas décor when I was there a couple of weeks ago. You sit down at your own unique table with interesting table cloths and pitchers of water that look like they belong in your great-aunt Gertrude’s house. You could be sitting with other people in a communal style (as you know I hate), but if you have a large enough group you won’t have to worry about that.

The brunch menu is small and mainly vegan unless you add the option of cheese on some dishes. You can order the usual brunch options such eggs and French toast or go for something a little more unique, like a tofu sandwich with Gouda cheese, Russian dressing, and cucumbers or a curry stew. Either way, for only $11.50 you can get an entrée of your choice, a tea or a coffee, and unlimited access to their buffet.

The buffet is very casual and made up of about a dozen different cold dishes such as spicy green beans, pasta in pesto, a green salad, hummus, dolma, and different types of bread. There is something for everyone there—even my sister who is a picky eater was totally happy with her eating experience. Another table full of delicious looking vegan desserts. My favorite item at the buffet was the spicy green beans that seemed to have an Asian-inspired flavor.

The entrees are just as yummy. Don’t expect anything fancy—it is all just simple home cooking. I had the red bean tacos which were simply docked up with some lettuce and pico del gallo. Every entrée came with some mushy curry rice thing that went perfectly with my tacos. The other entrees that I saw were the blueberry pancakes, the malkin melt, and the seitan burgundy, all of which were also served with the curry rice. All of the entrées are generous portions and seriously worth your buck.

The brunch is great option, but they are also open Thursday through Saturday from 11:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. Stop in for shopping, brunch, lunch, or dinner. All types of people show up at this joint including children, baby boomers, and, of course, a lot of hipsters. The prices are low, the food is plentiful and the ambiance is superior to any other trendy vintage café around here. Drag your grungy combat boots and worn out TOMS into this place and live your unique and oh-so-edgy dream in this eclectic yet quaint café. Go. Just go​.


Little Red Riding Vogue: Why Taylor Swift is impossibly fashionable

Although this weather can be pretty discouraging, it’s no time to be dropping the ball on your outfits. That may sound a bit harsh and unrealistic, but look at Taylor Swift for example.

Taylor Swift is, without a doubt, a fashion icon. She never misses a beat with her outfits. They’re always flawless and well-executed. In fact, she’s even been criticized for looking so good.

Over the past year or so, people started commenting on how ridiculous it was that Swift would leave a workout at the gym looking better than ever. Her hair and makeup would be so on point that you would think she had just left a salon instead of a gym.

Also, she would often leave in a dress or skirt, and heels. People honestly couldn’t fathom how a human being could do this—even a celebrity. Many people brought up the fact that most of the paparazzi shots you see of celebrities leaving the gym look “normal”—they aren’t wearing makeup and they’re decked out in sweaty yoga pants and baggy t-shirts. So how could Taylor Swift be doing what Britney Spears could not?

But this isn’t the only thing people can’t wrap their heads around. Recently, Swift posted a picture on Instagram of her and her gal pals HAIM (the three-sister band from LA) hanging out in Hawaii. Sounds pretty normal, right? Well what threw people off was the fact that they were standing in a row on a rock path in a pond.  The HAIM girls are all wearing sensible flats, and Swift is wearing stilettos so insane she could probably use them to kill a man. Once again, Swift has proven to be almost more mythical than Regina George.

My last, and absolute favorite, part about Taylor Swift’s fashion endeavors is that it’s been said that the bags you see her carrying around in all of these iconic paparazzi post-workout shots are absolutely empty. That’s right. You heard me: empty. She doesn’t keep anything in them. She uses them for the sole purpose of accessorizing.

At this point you’re probably wondering where she actually keeps her stuff—unless she doesn’t have stuff at all and really is some sort of weird fashion alien that doesn’t need emergency lip-gloss or even a packet of tissues. Well make sure you sit down for this one, it’s a doozy.

Her bodyguards carry all of her necessities in a separate bag. And you better believe they hold onto that thing with the death grip of a Marvel superhero. No one in the world is getting their hands on that bag except for Taylor Swift herself.

Moral of the story: Taylor Swift is a celestial being whose fashion sensibilities straight up floor me. We should all aspire to be so jaw dropping.

Foodie on the Half Shell: Go easy on the Salt

I don’t usually head over to the Garfield area in Pittsburgh unless I’m going to visit friends. It has all the potential in the world to be “with it,” with Spak Brothers and Verde as its food destinations that offer interesting foods with vegan options. Let’s get real though…most of the buildings are boarded up as if the big freeze is coming, and even Bottom Dollar is closing over there. Oh no! What will we do without a Bottom Dollar? No, seriously though…what will we do?

Well, instead of spending $50 dollars on food that will last you a week at Bottom Dollar, try going down the street a bit and spend $50 on a meal that will last you one night at Salt of the Earth. Well, that doesn’t sound exactly economical, but it’s fun!

Step into an open floor plan with long communal tables, where you can see your food being cooked up against one wall and your drinks being made up against the other. The building is small, but the design opens up the restaurant to feel larger.

I personally hate communal sitting. I know it’s the new thing, but I enjoy a sense of privacy, and I think it’s just an excuse for the wait staff to be lazy. I got lucky, and I came with a large party of ten and we took up an entire table. I was comfortable sitting with my family and friends, and I didn’t have to worry about awkward elbow- room or someone asking me to pass the salt. Like no, I will not pass you anything—I’d actually prefer pretending you are not sitting right next to me.

Aside from the seating design, Salt has a lot going for them, but a few things holding them back.

Their menu is impressive looking and everything sounds trendy and delicious, like fish with grapes and foie gras. After reading that most of the chefs that I respect around Pittsburgh enjoy Salt, I was prepared for a “wow” reaction. The fireworks did go off for the sashimi starter that was made of unidentified fish. It was small—made for just one person, but the flavor was impressively large. With curried florets of al dente cauliflower and tart grapes, a lullaby of soft and crunchy and sweet and spicy all came together nicely.

Skip the romaine starter–it is just a boring Caesar salad.  Instead, try the fried Brussels sprouts if you are in the mood. They are nothing fancy, just delicious and greasy.

As for the “mids,” I was not impressed. I could have been trying the wrong dishes, though. I had the risotto as my entrée, which sounded promising. I imagined layers of flavors with the sweet potatoes, the lemon, and the roasted garlic. Unfortunately, it was a one-ton bowl of mush.

Don’t even bother with the mussels—you can make them better at home. When it comes to their entrees, stay safe and try their cheeseburger. It is simple yet divine, with handmade American cheese and tons of pickles all on a brioche bun. Simple is best.

What are really important, though, are their desserts. Salt redeems themselves with their sweets. They worked with different layers of flavors and textures. I had their brownie dessert, which came with ice cream that tasted like you picked a banana off of the tree itself, and peanut brittle. The concoction worked and I am happy I had it…although I am nervous that the dessert tasted amazing just because I was so bummed out by the other courses.

I think the take home about Salt is that they are truly a comfort food restaurant trying to be a contemporary American restaurant. Their hamburgers and fried Brussels sprouts are fantastic. What they should also be serving is rustic mac and cheese and modern meatloaf. I bet they would knock that stuff out of the park. Even though I feel strongly, my family would disagree…mainly because they all ordered the burger, I think.

A perfect dinner there would be a medium rare cheeseburger with a side of fried Brussels sprouts, ended with a brownie dessert. Stick to the simple stuff at Salt. They are still figuring it out.

Little Red Riding Vogue: Rick Owens shocks Paris Fashion Week with nudity

If you aren’t already familiar with the designer Rick Owens, you will be now. Owens, a California native, has had a label since 1994 and showed his first runway collection in September of 2002 at New York Fashion Week. Most recently, he showed his work during Paris Fashion Week.

On Thursday, January 22, Owens sent pantless male models down the runway. I know what you’re thinking. Pantless? Really? Yes, really. In fact, some of the pieces had holes cut out in the crotch area. It wasn’t some slip up; Rick Owens just really wanted Paris Fashion Week to see some male genitalia.

Whether he wanted to shock the crowd or if it was really just the design he liked remains to be seen. Either way, the Internet is going crazy over it and I can’t blame them.

Owens has always been known for his grunge-glamour approach to fashion and the pieces he showcased at Paris Fashion Week maintain that style. For those who aren’t familiar with his work, think Alexander Wang.

Overall, the look was intriguing, but of course, this collection has now been made unforgettable by the addition of the publicity.

Some of the pieces featured chest cut outs as well—although we live in a society where male chests are acceptable in public. This does, however, raise the question of acceptable nudity?

The fashion world is one of the few places where nudity can be respected as art. Plenty of designers showcase pieces where women’s chests are visible. Maybe Owens is trying to take another step forward with nudity in fashion. The real proof will be if female models in fashion start flaunting dresses with crotch holes, too.

Foodie on the Half Shell: New Years resolutions for a foodie

My New Years resolution for 2015 was all about food–as is everything else in my life. I wanted to get healthier, maybe lose the 20 pounds I gained in the last two years, and limit my eating habits to a more vegan-friendly diet. I knew I had to write down concrete resolutions, though, if I ever wanted to see them put into action.

  1. Vegan before six. (Which pretty much means at dinner I eat cheese, because cheese is everything.)

  2. Work out two to three days a week. This may not sound like a lot but I have realized if I put my expectations too high, I get really sad when I don’t work out a lot and end up not going.

  3. No drinking during the week. It’s just healthy to drink less in general!

  4. Cook seasonally.

For the first two weeks, I am happy to say I have been successful in my endeavors. I have felt amazing eating so much produce rather than cheese and carbs. I hope to fill up the column this semester with all types of vegan and seasonal ideas. The seasonal inspiration is mainly from a cookbook I picked up in New York City over winter break. The book is called “In Season,” by Sarah Raven. Each chapter is devoted to different types of produce that are in season in certain months. It comes with some amazing recipes to get you really excited about what is sustainably growing during the different seasons.

My recipe I would like to share with you today is not entirely in season, but it’s not completely out of season either. I made a butternut squash with goat cheese and thyme, baked with breadcrumbs and parmesan on top. It is best served with a simple pasta or large green salad.

What you will need for a main dish for one person, or a smaller dish for two people:

1 butternut squash

1 Tbs of thyme

2 Tbs of goat cheese

¼ cups of parmesan

¼ cups of breadcrumbs

Olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Start with setting your oven to 400 degrees. Cut the butternut squash in half, lengthwise. Scrape the seeds and guts out. Rub olive oil and salt and pepper on the two fleshy halves of the squash and place them both face down on a cookie sheet. Put in the oven for about 45 minutes to an hour or until the flesh is soft. When finished baking, take the squash out and let it cool until you are able to handle it.

Scrape the meat out of one half of the squash, leaving a layer of flesh remaining. Scrape the other half out completely. Put the scraped out contents into a bowl with the goat cheese and thyme. Check seasonings and add more salt and pepper if needed. Stuff the shell with the layer of flesh remaining with the goat cheese and squash mix. Sprinkle with parmesan and bread crumbs, and drizzle it with a little bit of olive oil to finish it off. Pop in the oven with the setting on low broil. Take out when the top is browned.

Little Red Riding Vogue: Marsala chosen as Pantone’s Color of the Year

Whether you realize it or not, at the beginning of every year, an important decision is made in the fashion world. It affects clothes, makeup, home goods—you name it. This monumental moment is when Pantone chooses the Color of the Year.

Last year was Radiant Orchid. The year before was Emerald. This year, is the year of Marsala, which Pantone describes as, “a naturally robust and earthy red wine.”

So what exactly is Marsala? It’s not a color you use in your everyday vocabulary, but no doubt you’ve seen it before. Marsala is a passionate red with calming natural tones. Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, said, “Marsala is a subtly seductive shade, one that draws us in to its embracing warmth.” Still, how many products can you think of that are exactly Marsala? To make this a bit easier to follow—understand that this decision leaves a broad spectrum.

When Pantone announces the Color of the Year, stores scramble to find what they carry in that shade. Usually, it’s not much. They can easily make products to fit that description, but that would take too long, and by the time they have the product out, someone else has already drawn their customer’s attention. The secret is to stretch the color.

When Emerald was announced, suddenly, any shade of green would do. When Radiant Orchid was chosen, people started stocking products in shades of purple. By choosing Marsala, Pantone has given us a year of red.

The color is chosen carefully based on trends seen throughout different markets. Eiseman said of Marsala, “This hearty, yet stylish tone is universally appealing and translates easily to fashion, beauty, industrial design, home furnishings, and interiors.”

However, The Color of the Year, isn’t the only prediction Pantone makes. They also make specific predictions for incoming fashion. Their Fashion Color Report for Spring 2015 was based on the New York Fashion Week from September 4-11, 2014.

Their predictions for colors are soft, cool hues with natural neutrals. For women’s fashion, they expect an eclectic, ethereal mix. For men’s fashion, they call for uncontrived, natural, deep tones.

Knowing this, Marsala is a smart choice for Color of the Year. It’s deep and warm, but soft and natural enough to come across as an almost neutral shade of red. As Eiseman said, it translates well to different products without appearing gaudy or overwhelming.

All hail Marsala until they choose something else for 2016.


Foodie on the Half Shell: Finals Week power tacos

With finals coming up, we all have to make sure we are eating energizing foods that are good for our bodies and souls. Around this time we are known to eat foods that are quick and pleasurable… since we deserve it, right? Well no, our bodies don’t deserve those burgers, fries, and fried chicken tenders.

For the next couple of weeks, it is even more important that you are aware of what you are putting into your body. The greasy foods will leave you feeling heavy and low on energy. What you need is super foods!

Think foods that are dense in nutrients and full of healthy fats to give you energy. Beans, yogurt, berries, avocado, and even dark chocolate can help you in those last couple of hours late at night when you are finishing your paper.

This recipe is fun and will be perfect to start your finals week off, or just perfect anytime you want some tasty tacos. These tacos are shallow fried to create a great crisp shell. Stuff spicy potatoes and protein dense vegetarian chili into the shell, top with some cheddar cheese and a great coleslaw recipe I have for you guys.

This recipe is perfect for the cold nights coming up, and it will heat you right up. Get a group of friends together to have a kick off to finals taco party, and make this recipe together.

What you’ll need for 10 tacos:

Crunchy tacos:

10 corn taco shells

¼ cup of canola oil (more if needed)

Heat a large skillet with canola oil. A note to keep while you are frying the taco shells–make sure to add in little bits of the oil throughout the process so nothing burns. Also, don’t dump too much in, because that will cause the shell to become soggy. Fry each side of the taco shells for about ten seconds. On the second side, fold the shell in half. Hold each side away from the other, though, so they still have an opening. Do this on each side. Transfer to a paper towel and sprinkle with a little bit of salt.

Spicy potatoes:

½ white onion, diced

1 garlic clove, minced

6 red skin potatoes, diced

1 jalapeno, diced finely

1 teaspoon of chipotle powder

1/3 cup of veggie stock

Sauté the onion, jalapeno, and garlic until the onions are translucent. Add the diced potatoes and stock. Cover the pan and let it sit. Keep an eye on the potatoes, though, and make sure to stir every five to ten minutes so they don’t burn. After the potatoes are nice and soft, add the chipotle powder. Smash the potatoes roughly. Don’t smash until they are smooth, you want them to be a little chunky.

Vegetarian chili:

Other half of the onion, diced

1/2 cup of diced peppers (any color)

1 can of diced tomatoes

1 cup of diced mini portabella mushrooms.

1 can of kidney beans, rinsed and drained

1 teaspoon of cumin

1 tablespoon of chili powder

Salt and pepper to taste

Sauté the onions, mushrooms, and garlic until the onions are translucent. Add the peppers until they are tender but not mushy. Add the cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Next, put in the diced tomatoes. Let the mixture sit for about ten minutes. Add the beans before serving.


2 cups of cabbage, grated or thinly sliced into their natural ribbons

1 tablespoon of Mayo

1 tablespoon of greek yogurt

1 tablespoon of smoky hot sauce

Salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together.

Assemble the tacos by putting the potatoes into the taco first, then the chili, and top with cheese and the slaw.

Foodie on the Half Shell: Review of Industry Public House

I have noticed that I have been very focused on reviewing restaurants lately. That is telling of my kitchen life…with the end of the semester creeping up on me, I don’t have a lot of time to make dinner every night. I preach about making time for homemade healthy food on a college schedule, but even I can get worn down.

Last night I was able to unwind a little bit by going out to eat and listen to some live music. For dinner, Ben and I went out to the Industry Public House on Butler Street.

Lawrenceville is such a weird and wonderful place. While I was sipping on my tequila I looked out the window to see a female mannequin riding on a jumbo sized bowling pin in a window above a bowling alley. It must be some bowling alley…

Industry is a large space full of friendly faces drinking impossibly potent drinks. The restaurant has large windows out front to create an open feel to it, and even has two bars.

I was drawn to this restaurant because I heard about their “Smokestack” cocktails ($3 plus whatever liquor you pick). The smokestack is a simple two-step process where you pick out whatever bourbon, whiskey, or scotch you want, and then you pick a flavor to smoke it with.

The flavors include mesquite, maple, pecan, apple, and cherry. I had The Gilded Age ($10) cocktail which was tons of tequila with citrus, ginger, and fall spice bitters. Their cocktails are strong and not watered down with a lot of ice–only with a large ice cube. The tastes are strong and unique.

As for their food, the descriptions on the menu are enticing, but the food itself does not keep up with their cocktail’s sophistication. I had their Lucy Furnace ($10) which was a portabella cap with grilled onions, ricotta salata, tempura zucchini, and watercress.

The elements were great, and it was a decent sandwich, but quite dry and a little bland. What I really wanted was some garlic aioli to smear all over it.

With it, I ordered some french fries with cheddar cheese melted on top. The fries were pretty flimsy, and I wanted way more cheese. When I want refined pub food, I want lots of cheese, seasoning, and the right amount of grease.

Ben had their smokestack sandwich ($12) that had ribeye, cheddar, arugula, and horseradish. It was was not big and luxurious, as most meaty sandwiches are. It was pretty simple. His side dish was probably the star of the night. It was brussels sprouts, with bacon and gorgonzola. The seasoning was nice and strong.

The pub is a pub and has above average pub food. Do not miss out on their drinks for any longer. Go and enjoy a game on one of their dozen televisions and sip on one of their many beers on tap or whiskeys.

Little Red Riding Vogue: The new alternative to shopping at outlet malls

This week, H&M launched a collection from couture designer Alexander Wang. Most of the items sold out almost immediately. Wang and H&M announced the collaboration at Coachella back in April, and just a few days ago, it was finally made available for purchase online.

The line consisted of a sporty style in a very basic color palette—very Wang indeed. It was a huge collection which included tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, footwear, hosiery, and plenty of accessories ranging from swimming goggles to boxing gloves. The collection was for men and women, but many of the pieces can translate well to either sex—Wang has always had a talent for edgy unisex looks.

The tops ranged from crop tops to sweaters, each boasting a big price tag for H&M clothing. The cheapest tops are roughly $35 and the most expensive borders on $130. The collection also includes a cardigan for about $350. Bottoms fall anywhere on a range of $60 to $350 and dresses range from about $60 to $150. If that makes your head spin, don’t even look at outerwear. Jackets in the collection stretch from prices of $70 to $350. A sports bra will cost you $40 and a bathing suit will cost you $60. Shoes are anywhere from $80 to $300. If you’re really looking for something more affordable, you can get a whistle or a water bottle for $13.

Now, looking at these prices, a majority of people would probably shake their heads in disappointment. H&M has always been a champion of stylish clothes for cheap prices. Though, this isn’t the first time they’ve partnered with a designer and raised their prices. And they’re also not the only store pulling this stunt.

Recently, Target had a big collaboration with Altuzarra. For many Target shoppers, some of the prices seemed ridiculous. The price tags of the line stretched from a reasonable $20 to a whopping $90. Target also received a lot of flack for not carrying the line in any plus sizes. This wasn’t the Target everyone was used to, and as a general note, people normally don’t like change.

However, once again, many pieces from Target’s Altuzarra collection sold out almost instantly as soon as they were released on Target’s online store. And the online reviews for the few remaining pieces of the collection are fairly positive.

So what is it that draws people in? If so many people are finding problems with the high prices at these usually affordable stores, who’s buying out the collections before they’ve even had time to breathe? Here comes the guilty confession portion of the column.

It’s people like me. It’s the people with fashion fetishes who will do anything to get their hands on a little couture. Normal prices for Alexander Wang fashion are astronomical. The only people that can afford Wang right off the runway are celebrities. The same can be said for Altuzarra. So when you see something from Wang or Altuzarra for under a thousand dollars, you pounce. If you’re as bad as me, you actually mark the release date in your calendar so you can be ready as soon as the collection goes live.

Personally, I ended up not buying anything from either collection. I had a list in my mind for both—as far as what pieces I thought were worth the price. In the end though, for most of the pieces I really wanted, some other runway junkies had beat me to it and the pieces were already sold out.

The next big collaboration I’ve got my eye on is between the grunge-chic webstore Nasty Gal and the makeup company MAC Cosmetics. No doubt it will be the kind of makeup Wednesday Addams or Chloe Sevigny would keep in their carry-on. But make sure you hit it up right away. MAC’s last big collection—based off of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” — sold out immediately and never restocked, which meant broke college girls like me didn’t get a chance to snag some of that red lipstick modeled after the famous “Rocky Horror Picture Show” lips. The collection will be available online and in stores on December 4.