B-Corps Near You


Across the nation, over 1,500 different businesses have taken a pledge to become more responsible inside the community and environment. B-Corps are leading a revolution in the way business is conducted around the world. They focus transparency, environmental responsibility, and giving back to the community. Pittsburgh has a unique ability to support some of these companies other than buying some ice cream. There a various businesses in the area that are boasting the B-Corp insignia, and are supplying services from eco-printing to architectural design.

Green Printing


SEEDS is a printing company that is bringing serious innovation to the industry. They use tree-free stock, recycled materials, and vegetable based ink to meet professional needs in a nature-friendly manor. SEEDS handles every aspect of the graphic business doing design, printing, and distribution for clients. The company has won various awards from B-Corps, such as, “Best for the World” and “Best for the Environment.” With plans for off the grid facilities in the near future for the company, most of the business happening in Pittsburgh will have a green option as a partner. SEEDS is leading other companies to become socially responsible, and to operate with sustainable practices. They are a great source for a 100% eco-friendly production of all printing and packaging needs.

Architecture and Planning


Another B-Corp that is redefining business in Pittsburgh is evolveEA.  The company focuses on creating solutions for sustainable systems through design and leadership. Their main goal to reach sustainability involves using three important tools, “People, Process, and Place”. evolveEA has worked on various projects around the area such as, the Millvale Ecodistrict and the Phipps Center for Sustainable Landscapes to create more livable places, systems, and economies.


They have also a Greenhouse Gas Report to help and encourage other organizations to control their carbon emissions. Additionally, evolveEA also gives back to the community by furthering education of environmental and sustainability issues, as well as supporting green transportation. The company has also been involved in large global conferences presenting community ideas and plans that promote environmental protection along with economic and social justice. The founders of evolveEA believe that companies do well by supporting their surrounding communities.

Pittsburgh’s Future

It is arguable that the city (and the world) is putting a greater emphasis on the environment and sustainability. While organizations and non-profits are great for this movement, they do not have the same power that businesses have. By becoming B-Corps, and meeting the rigorous standards required, these companies are working to help transform the city of Pittsburgh. They are leading business in the city to become more socially and environmentally responsible.

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