Going Solar Presentation in Chatham’s Sanger Hall

Author: Iyanna Armwood

Chatham University’s Director of Sustainability, Mary Whitney, hosted Solarize Allegheny and Sound Home Plan to give a presentation in Chatham’s Sanger Lecture Hall on Thursday, January 26, on the benefits of solar power and energy efficiency. Solarize Allegheny is a nonprofit project whose goal is to make the process of going solar straightforward and affordable. Sound Home Plan is also a nonprofit program of Conservation Consultants that follows homeowners through the path of making cost-effective home improvements to make it more energy efficient.

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Chatham joins universities across the country taking steps to becoming a sanctuary campus

Author: Emma Honcharski

Over 50 Chatham University students filtered out of their classrooms at 3 p.m. on Wednesday November 16 to meet on the Quad, taking part in a nationwide movement of walkouts at colleges and universities as a response to President-elect Donald Trump’s anti-immigration policies. The walkout and peaceful protest called on administration to identify Chatham as a sanctuary campus.

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Chatham and PCWP Discuss Trump at Post-Election Panel

Author: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell

Unpredictable. Traumatic. Discriminatory. Unprecedented. Those are the words alumnae, students, and faculty have used to describe the impending Trump Administration. In the days that followed the news of who the country’s next president would be, waves of shock and disappointment were felt throughout Chatham’s campus. President Finegold sent a campus-wide email of reassurance, some took the day off, the Carriage House’s lounge became a designated safe space; but life goes on.

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Chatham Students Respond to Trump Win with Fear and Apprehension

Author: Angela Billanti

Chatham students reflected on Donald Trump’s victory in the days following the 2016 election results.

“I think people are coming to terms with it a little more,” said Brooke Scheider, senior Biology major.  Scheider believes we cannot change the results at this point. When she found out about Trump’s victory, she felt scared, and does not remember any other election having this kind of impact on her or others.  

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