Election Night

Photo: Chatham students prepare to settle in for a long night at the Carriage House for the Election Watch Party.
Photo Credit: Kaylee Spitak

Author: Ross Hsu

Donald J. Trump won the United States presidential election early Wednesday morning, following a much closer race than news outlets and pollsters predicted. Shortly into Tuesday night, much of Hillary Clinton’s “firewall,” swing states that the democrat’s campaign expected to win, were won by Trump, widening Trump’s path and narrowing hers.

People are protesting in cities across the nation, with thousands taking to the streets to demonstrate against the election of a man who has made countless racist, bigoted and misogynistic comments throughout his campaign.

At Chatham University, the mood at the Carriage House watch party changed from excited to tense as the race became closer and closer. Cheers followed confirmation of Clinton wins, but boos for Donald Trump became stunned silences as the possibility of a Trump win set in.

Jenna McGreevy, a sophomore and the president of Chatham’s College Democrats, explained that she was worried but not surprised. “I was suspicious of lots of the polls,” she said. “The demo Trump tapped into don’t interact or vocalize…they are a silent majority. I’m surprised the media didn’t expect it.”

Still, McGreevy was hopeful. “I’m hoping there are more uncounted votes who love America and are better than hatred,” she said as Clinton’s chances slimmed.

As Tuesday night wore on, words like “bleak,” “difficult” and “narrow” were used on election night broadcasts to describe Clinton’s path to 270 electoral college votes. Most panel discussions on the major news networks spent the night discussing their astonishment at the repudiation of polls and predictions for a Clinton win. Articles and news pieces are continuing to analyze the media’s failure. Many journalists and analysts are pointing to voters who claimed they were undecided or voting for third party candidates that ended up voting for Trump. This phenomenon has been called the Shy Tory Factor, in which polled voters are embarrassed or reluctant to report their support for a disliked candidate.

Teri Bradford, a junior and the president of Chatham Student Government, was stunned by the surprise results, lamenting the logic of Trump voters who dislike both candidates. “If you’re choosing between two things you don’t want, why would you choose the one that’s absolutely awful?” she asked. “I just don’t understand.”

Chatham’s home state of Pennsylvania ended up being a closer race than it has been since 1988, a surprise that defies its reputation as a swing state that has voted democrat in the last six elections, but also as a key part of Clinton’s supposed blue wall which all but fell apart Tuesday night. The last time PA voted Republican was 1988.

Post-election analysis shows that Trump won the state mainly through rural turnout in the southwestern precincts, and a lower urban democratic turnout than expected. Trump won many areas by a wider margin than President Obama had in the same regions.

Sophomore Sophie Kerensky was worried about the future as the race narrowed. “I’m just in shock,” the Social Work major said. “Regardless of the outcome, this is dangerous.”

Clinton, Trump and President Obama all spoke Wednesday in a succession of statements responding to the results.

Clinton called her loss “painful,” but urged supporters to accept the result of the election. “We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead,” she said. Obama echoed her call for unity, saying that “we are all on the same team.” The president said he was heartened by his early morning call with Trump.

Even Donald Trump laid down his divisive rhetoric in his victory speech. “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division,” he said. “It is time for us to come together as one united people.”

As the final states were called early Wednesday morning, the mood in the Carriage House was stunned and abysmal. Maryem Aslam, a Senior Biology major, shared the same reaction as many others at Chatham. “A part of my is still hoping new votes will be counted, or something will change,” she said. “I just never expected this.”

Chatham Interviewing Candidates for New Director of Multicultural Affairs Position

Photo: A poster in Anderson Dining Hall for Native American History Month. In the future, The Director of Multicultural Affairs will handle programming for this and other campus celebrations of diversity.

Credit: Ross Hsu

Author: Ross Hsu

Chatham is currently interviewing candidates for Director of Multicultural Affairs, a new position within Student Affairs that will implement events and dialogues to educate about and celebrate diversity.

Contine reading

Voter Survival Guide

Author: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell

Where and when to vote

If you are a student registered to vote on campus on election day head to the Welker Room, where the polls are open from 7 a.m to 8 p.m

Polling places are usually libraries, schools, churches, and court houses. If you are a commuter student registered to vote in Pennslyvania and are unsure of your polling place go to https://www.pavoterservices.state.pa.us/Pages/PollingPlaceInfo.aspx.

Contine reading

Vice President Joe Biden Speaks At Chatham

Photo: Chatham first year, political science major, Scott Friedman, takes a selfie with Vice President Biden.
Credit: Janelle Moore
Kaylee Spitak

It was a cold Tuesday morning as members of Chatham and its surrounding communities lined up outside of the Athletics and Fitness Center in anticipation of the latest development in Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 Presidential Election. One of the last events to occur within the city of Pittsburgh as both Republican and Democrat political campaigns fight to gain the popular vote in the swing state of Pennsylvania,  Vice President of the United States Joe Biden, was scheduled to arrive on campus to continue campaigning for the Democratic Party.

Contine reading

Alice Walker Discusses Nature and Religion at JUST Films Screening

Photo: Janelle Moore
Author: Kaylee Spitak

On Thursday, members of the Chatham community and guests packed themselves into Campbell Memorial Chapel for a showing of the second film in the JUST Films series, “Yemanja: Wisdom from the African Heart of Brazil.” Once the chapel had been filled to capacity, remaining attendees were then seated in Eddy Theater for the screening. Before the beginning of the movie, Frank F. Hightower (Omi Ki Ya Loda), Priest of Yemoja, lead everyone in a blessing ceremony for the event.

Contine reading

Drag Queen Bingo is a Hit For the Second Year

Photo: Madison Krob

Author: Madison Krob

In honor of LBGTQIA+ History Month, Student Activities brought back a well-received event from last year – Drag Queen Bingo. On Friday, October 21, students packed into the Carriage House, eager to watch performances and play bingo with local drag queens. Student Affairs provided snacks and drinks for the attendees, along with prizes. Gift cards, adult coloring books, decorative pillows and other miscellaneous items were provided for the winners.

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First Female African-American Astronaut Visits Chatham University

Photo: Chatham students pose with Mae Jemison inside of the Carriage House
Photo Credit: Janelle Moore

Author: Edymar Hurtado

Mae Jemison, the first female African-American astronaut, visited Chatham University to talk about her life, career and her support for Hillary Clinton in the presidential elections. About 40 people attended her conference in the Carriage House last Monday.

Contine reading

Chatham Administration Takes Steps Toward Divestment

Author: Emma Honcharski

Following the October Board of Trustees meeting, President Finegold sent out a campus-wide email regarding future plans to place a larger focus on sustainability issues in Chatham’s investment decisions. The Investment Committee has plans to replace both a hedge fund investment and large corporation equity fund with alternatives that have environmental issues in mind, including greenhouse gas emissions and rising global temperatures.

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