
Harlow’s Studies

Harry Harlow’s experiments with Rhesus Monkeys study the importance of touch and physical comfort in development.

H., Casper. (2008, April 14). Food or security: Harlow’s Studies on Monkeys’ Attachment [Video File]. Retrieved from

Kangaroo Care

Kangaroo Care, or skin-to-skin contact, is a type of newborn care where babies are held chest-to-chest and skin-to-skin with a caretaker. This technique is commonly used to build a bond between father and child.

Cincinnati Children’s. (2012, August 10). Kangaroo Care: The Benefits of Holding Your Newborn Close [Video File]. Retrieved from

Anderson, G. C., Chiu, S.-H., Morrison, B., Burkhammer, M., & Ludington-Hoe, S. (2004). SKIN-TO-SKIN CARE FOR BREASTFEEDING DIFFICULTIES POSTBIRTHVersion (PDF). In Touch and Massage in Early Childhood Development. Retrieved from SKIN-TO-SKIN CARE FOR BREASTFEEDING DIFFICULTIES POSTBIRTH

Skin Hunger

Peter Collins narrates a short film in which he explains his yearning for his wife’s touch and what it led to. After being arrested for first degree murder, he spent long stretches of time in isolation, during which he experienced what we now call Touch Hunger. Touch Hunger, a term coined by Tiffany Field, is a need for physical contact.

Peter Collins. (2015, June 10). Fly in the Ointment [Video File]. Retrieved from


It is estimated that 80,000 people in the United States are held in isolation and can only dream of physical interactions with other humans. However, people all over the States long for meaningful and powerful touch.

Failure to Thrive

Children who lack touch in their early years can have failure to thrive, a condition where they child does not meet recognized standards of growth. As seen in this video, children who are not introduced to healthy touch at the normal age can have an aversion to touch. However, if touch is introduced in time, a child can have developmental and physical growth spurts to be relatively on track the rest of their lives.

ByPepone. (2010, August 22). Emotional Deprivation in Infancy :: Study by Rene A. Spitz [Video File]. Retrieved from