All posts by elptutoringcenter

Talk & Travel

By Oksana Moroz, intern and instructor at the ELP


Summer is a traveling season. Students love to go to different countries on vacation. This is also a great time to learn a language using some common strategies.

No matter where you go in the world, you’re going to meet people who don’t speak your native language. An easy way to learn a new language to visit the country and immerse yourself in that world.

Step 1

Watch television in your hotel room, preferably with the subtitles turned on. Repeat the phrases as they’re spoken and learn what they mean by reading the subtitles. It’s also helpful to watch the news, as the reporters tend to speak more slowly, as well as commercials, since they’re easier to follow than television shows and movies.

Step 2

Listen to radio broadcasts playing local music. Even if you can’t understand the meanings behind the words, it exposes you to how words and phrases sound.

Step 3

Talk to locals using the words you know. Speak clearly, and explain at the beginning of your conversation that you speak only a small amount of the language. This prevents the other person from speaking too fast.

Step 4

Keep a dictionary with you. As soon as you come across a phrase or word you don’t understand, look it up and repeat it to yourself several times.

Language Learning Strategies

By Oksana Moroz, ELP Intern and Instructor



“The more languages you know, the more times you are a person,” said a Ukrainian philosopher. However, before knowing a language, you should learn it. Learning a foreign language can be a tricky, frustrating, annoying, and time-consuming process. But it also gives you enjoyment, satisfaction, and the world of opportunities. In this post, I will elaborate on my strategies to learn a new language, and maybe some of them will be useful for you.

  1. Ask yourself why you want to learn a foreign language.

Always have a goal in mind. Is it for traveling, shopping, communicating with other people, or understanding the words of your favorite song? The purpose will make your learning meaningful.

  1. Do not learn a language alone.

Learning a language on your own is boring. Find a friend or a conversation partner that you can talk to and practice the language with. Together, you can help each other to improve.

  1. Mistakes are OK.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Do not let those mistakes discourage you from speaking. The more you speak, the better your language becomes. If your tongue becomes numb and you are unable to open your mouth to produce a sentence because you do not want to make mistakes, think before you speak. Speaking slowly will also help to avoid mistakes.

  1. Immerse yourself in the language.

Try to surround yourself with the language you learn as much as you can. Watch movies, videos, listen to the music, read short novels, news reports, and so on. All of these activities will contribute to your language learning.

  1. Practice, practice, practice!

Language needs to be used in order to be remembered. If you stop practicing, you’ll lose it. Practice a language you learn every day and wait for that “aha” moment when you master a foreign language.

Academic Cheating: Is It That Dangerous?

In the 21st century almost every student is ill! An epidemic of students’ cheating in education throughout the world is expanding at a frantic pace.  All around the world, many children now perceive cheating as integral part of a quiz, test,  or exam. A particular form of cheating, plagiarism – using other people’s ideas without proper acknowledgement, is also very common. “Statistics shows that only 5% of students prefer writing their own original works, while the other 97% more or less often plagiarize other works” (Dr. Scott Hamilton). In the U.S., plagiarism is a serious matter. Students who commit plagiarism may get 0 for their assignment, fail a course, or even get expelled from their school.


There are ways to avoid plagiarism. Here are some that may be useful for students, especially those who are not familiar with the U.S. education system.

  • cite, paraphrase, quote, or reference any words, phrases or sentences that  have been said by someone
  • write from your notes of the main ideas instead of copying and pasting from your readings
  • ask your instructor to understand what is acceptable
  • go to the library to learn about how to cite sources
  • go to the writing center at your university to receive feedback on your assignment

In conclusion, continued cheating will  lead to intellectual and moral degradation of individuals and even the decline of nations. If cheating and low educational standards are tolerated, the intellectual level of future educators, doctors, engineers, and other professions will decrease.