The Plastic Bank

Learn about The Plastic Bank and how it is helping to keep plastic out of the oceans all over the world. “It‘s our mission to stop Ocean Plastic by gathering a billion people together to monetize waste while improving lives. Plastic Bank is a root cause solution to prevent the flow of plastic into our oceans.”

Carbon Dioxide Levels Off the Charts

Carbon Dioxide Emissions have reached a record high over the year of 2018. New outlets everywhere are covering the alarming reports. To find out more about why 2018 has promoted rising carbon dioxide levels than ever before, check out the following links.

Mercury Invading Our Dinners

Mercury levels in the ocean are rising.  Over the past 20 years, the levels of mercury have risen 30% and will continue to increase.  Mercury in the ocean mostly comes from coal-fired power plants.  The Mercury is absorbed by organisms on the bottom of the food chain such as Plankton.  As animals consume their pray,…

Ocean acid Is Killing Marine Life

Ocean acidification is rapidly moving and causing the water biology to have trouble coping.  Even though the ocean absorbs one third of the carbon dioxide emitted helping us to stay cooler, it is causing the ocean to become more acidic. Because of this, it is limiting calcium carbonate.  By calcium carbonate being limited, it is…

The Real Enemy: Global Warming

Within the past 40 years global warming has been watched and recorded to see what is changing.  Global warming is occurring not just in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, but all over the globe.  The common trends that are occurring are increase in temperature, wildfires, floods, and landslides. Out of these four treads Pittsburgh sees three of them…

Air Pollution in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh may have started going green, but the air quality is still far from where it should be. Pittsburgh is known to be one of the sootiest cities on the East coast. When looking at photos of Pittsburgh a while back, they most likely seemed cloudy or very grey. The grey in the air is…

How Building Impact the Environment

When buildings are being constructed things such as materials, building methods, and how the building is going to run after being complete are all things that can potentially harm the environment if done incorrectly. To start, the materials used to construct these building are being produced in manufacturing plants which release carbon dioxide into the…

Reusable Resources

All over the world waste is produced everyday whether it is food waste or material waste.  When waste is accumulated it actually can become harmful to the environment.  Trash can harm the environment in several different ways starting with it leaking into the ground affecting the soil and water, to endangering the marine life. We…

Fracking Fricks Western PA

As Pittsburgh tries to improve its environmental quality, the city still sees setbacks around the area, most notably with allowing fracking to occur. Fracking is the term for hydraulic fracturing, used to break about rocks in the ground in order to extract the oil or gas beneath them. In our case, the subterranean rock is Marcellus…

Cleaning Up Our Rivers

With Pittsburgh’s strong history in steel and other mill work, it comes with little surprise that our rivers have become extremely polluted. Over the years, industries have been pouring chemicals into the three rivers leading to incredibly polluted waters. According to one study, Pennsylvania is ranked second in river pollution just to Texas. Environmental Advocacy…