Category Archives: Education Abroad

Exciting News!

On July 1, the office of international affairs will officially become the Office of Global Engagement!

We are still here to help you with education abroad, international student services, and cultural programming, we just have a new name that better suits what we do šŸ˜Š

The Office of Global Engagement prepares students to be world ready, and fosters respect for diverse cultures, identities, and opinions locally and internationally.

Starting July 2 you will begin to see emails from and we encourage you to use this email address starting on July 2.

Weā€™re looking forward to providing you with opportunities for global engagement!

Gilman Application Advice From A Gilman Scholar- Alyssa Bruce

With the Gilman International Scholarship application deadline approaching (March 7, 2024), I wanted to share some application tips that I feel helped me receive a Gilman award. The Gilman scholarship was incredibly meaningful for me both during and after my study abroad in Berlin, Germany. I received a $5000 scholarship towards my study abroad semester. I used this on food, housing, and even towards my own personal travel while I was in Europe! Not only did the Gilman scholarship make studying abroad much more affordable, but I also now have alumni benefits. I am a part of a large alumni network, receive access to a variety of events and trainings, and have Non-competitive eligibility for federal jobs for three years. Gilman is not only a financial scholarship, but it also provides great benefits that last a lifetime!

1. Ask Chatham staff and faculty for assistance

Before revising your essay drafts, I strongly recommend reaching out to Karin Chipman, the study abroad advisor at Chatham. She really helped meĀ  revise my essays and improve them before I submitted my application. She knows what the Gilman reviewers are looking for, and can help you fit those things into your writing. Additionally, I recommend reaching out to your advisor or favorite professor to ask if they could provide feedback on your essays. The more eyes that review your writing, the better it will be.

2. Be specific about why you chose your study abroad country and program

The Gilman scholarship wants to award students who have put lots thought into their study abroad plan. You will do best if you have specific reasons for why you chose the school and country/city that you did. This is where you should go into specifics, and don’t just say that you find Japan pretty or that your program was the one recommended for you. For example, I talked about how I chose Germany because I have been studying German for 6 years and wanted to be able to advance my German conversational skills. I chose Berlin because I have always had an interest in the Berlin Wall and German reunification, and Berlin is a great city for cold war history. I recommend looking up your school’s course offerings and using that in your essay. I talked about specific courses that caught my interest and would teach me knowledge needed for my future career. The more specific, the better!

3. Describe in detail how studying abroad will impact you as a person

It is important to relate studying abroad to how it will impact you career and skills wise, academically, and personally. Think of what motivated you to study abroad, and how you think it will impact you in different aspects of your life. Again, it is best to be specific with these. I wrote about how I want to have a career in international relations, and how studying abroad will give me important inter-cultural communication skills that I will need for future jobs.

4. Don’t submit your first draft

It is important to give yourself ample time to write and edit your application essays. Your essays are where you can really explain why you deserve this scholarship. Because of that, it is important that you make sure your essays are the best they can be before you submit them.

5. Let yourself shine through your application

Lastly, my final advice is just to let your application reflect who you are as a person. The reviewers want to learn about you and why you want to study abroad. This is your chance to explain all of your excitement, motivations, and even concerns about studying abroad. Talk about your career and education aspirations, and why you have those. Tell them why you are so focused on studying abroad in your country and program. Let the reviewers get to know you!

My time in Germany was amazing, and I miss it everyday. Berlin was such a great city for the arts and history. I attended Freie Universitat, in their European Studies program. I took 12 hours of German instruction per week, and my German language skills really improved over the course of the semester! I also learned lots about the Berlin Wall, the Cold War, and the reunification of Germany. My favorite place I visited in Berlin was Teufelsberg, an abandoned U.S military radio station used during the Cold War. You have to hike to reach it, and the views once you climb the tower are beautiful. Today, the station has been turned into an art installation, with rotating murals. The graffiti culture is one of the things I loved about Berlin, in addition to their many flea markets and Doner kebabs. Besides Germany, I also visited Switzerland, Italy, France, England, Belgium, and Amsterdam. Getting to travel around Europe with the new friends I made is an experience that I will always remember. My study abroad semester gave me both memories and intercultural and problem solving skills that I will never forget.

ToĀ  learn more about Gilman and to apply, visit here. If you have any questions about applying, reach out to the OIA office at, Karin, or myself at Good luck!

Summer 2024 Opportunity Grant for Study / Intern Abroad

Full-time Chatham University undergraduate students participating in any summer 2024 study and/or internship abroad program for credit toward their Chatham undergraduate degreeĀ may apply for a one-time opportunity grant.

The amount of the grant is $500. The grant funding may be used toward tuition, program expenses, the cost of applying for a passport or for passport renewal, book expenses, travel expenses, or toward other personal expenses related to your study or internship abroad.

For summer 2024 Study / Intern Abroad, the deadline to apply for this grant is March 29, 2024.

Students receiving this grant must be accepted to their study abroad program and complete Chatham’s required study abroad approval process (Chatham study abroad applicationĀ andĀ Course equivalencies worksheet) and be approved for study abroad prior to award disbursal. Accepted students will be asked to complete a closing convocation form to distribute their award. The $500 grant will be applied to accepted studentsā€™ Chatham accounts for the term in which they study abroad.

Questions? Please reach out to

To apply please complete this form –Ā 

Chatham University – Summer 2024 Opportunity Grant for Study & Intern Abroad (

Study in Taiwan – Summer 2024

Study in Taiwan this summer with Chatham partner Tunghai University !

Program dates: May 23- June 28, 2024
Courses: Business, Economics, Stem, Sustainability,Ā  Arts and Culture,Ā  Chinese Language
Fees: $3,000 tuitionĀ  (3-6 credits)
Tuition also covers 5 day trips and cultural activities
Additional cost for accommodation, $2,000
Early Bird Registration by 1/31/2024 to earn a scholarship!
FinalĀ  deadline to register: 3/22/2024

Link to Program book:

Online orientations links
Nov. 16, THURSDAY 18:00 EST TIME


This is the link for 2024 Mini-semester registration.

Did you know all full-time Chatham undergraduates can receive a one-time $1200 study abroad voucher?
Questions about studying abroad? Please reach out to!


Meet Chathamā€™s Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2023-2024. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!

Corinne Lloyd (she/her)

Program: Barcelona, Spain, Summer 2023

Major: Psychology

Graduation Year: Spring 2025

This photo is from my very first weekend abroad and it was moments before I went to my first soccer (or fĆŗtbol) match ever. I love soccer and used to play for years, so getting to see a game with a crowd as electric as this one was straight out of my dreams. I knew in the moment that it would be something I would remember vividly for forever, and so far that has held true!

Students can reach out to Corinne via email at:


Meet Chathamā€™s Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2023-2024. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!

Ali Connolly (she/her)

Program: Sorrento, Italy, Summer 2023

Major: Education

Graduation Year: Spring 2025

This opportunity not only helped me step out of my comfort zone, but also guided me to feel more confident in myself and my abilities.

Students can reach out to Ali via email at:



Meet Chathamā€™s Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2023-2024. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!

Sophia Mena (she/her)

Program: Perugia, Italy, Spring 2023

Major: Food Studies

Graduation Year: Spring 2024

Studying abroad has shaped me personally, academically, and with the future of my career. I have grown as an individual through the exposure I had of being in new environments, being a part of new experiences, and meeting new people.

Students can reach out to Sophia via email at:




Meet Chathamā€™s Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2023-2024. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!

Savannah Wood (she/her)

Program:Ā  Crete, Greece, Summer 2023

Major: Psychology

Minors: Creative Writing and Social Services Administration

Graduation Year: December 2023

This is a picture of my friend Bailey and I out to eat at a restaurant with the rest of our group. One of my favorite things about this trip was being able to try all new and unique foods. I feel like to know a culture is to know the food they eat, and that’s definitely something I was able to indulge in during my trip.

Students can reach out to Savannah via email at:



Meet Chathamā€™s Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2023-2024. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!

Lucia Rettig (she/her)

Program: Florence, Italy, Spring 2023

Major: Interior Architecture

Graduation Year: 2025

My favorite memory of studying abroad was not only getting to travel all around Italy discovering their deep culture and eating their delicious food, but also getting to experience other countries and immersing in their cultures as traveling in Europe is extremely affordable, and the time of your life!

Students can reach out to Lucia via email at:


Meet Chathamā€™s Study Abroad Ambassadors for 2023-2024. These students are study abroad returnees who are available to answer questions and share their experience with interested students!

Madison Shenigo (she/her)

Program: Greece, Summer 2023

Major: BSN

Graduation Year: 2024

Hi, my name is Madison and I go by she/her pronouns. During my time abroad I studied in Greece. In April, I graduated from Shadyside School of Nursing through the Pathways to Nursing Program that Chatham offers. In April 2024, I will be graduating from Chatham with BSN.

Studying abroad is one of my favorite memories from college. It was incredible getting to meet people from different backgrounds and growing together as we experienced such a beautiful country.

Students can reach out to Madison via email at: