Category Archives: Education Abroad

Breakfast On the Cheap: US vs. Japan

By Teri Bradford, Communication ’18

For five US dollars in the states, I’m almost guaranteed processed, sugary, and maybe even greasy breakfast on the go. A sweet yet savory pastry, a coffee with caramel, and maybe some hand fruit to balance it all out is what I’m all about. I perfected that order. So when I toured the Kansai region on the Japan field experience abroad, I was surprised to find a way of eating breakfast that I always wanted to exist, but never knew was possible. For five hundred yen ($4.50 USD), I could get a complete breakfast set that consisted of at least four different subtle yet flavorful foods to dive into before my day began.

Breakfast in Japan

My first breakfast set was at our hostel in Wakayama, Japan called Guesthouse RICO. When they said we’d eat at the hostel I was expecting, I don’t know, Japanese Cheerios? Instead, I was handed a tray with food that looked and was arranged in an aesthetically beautiful way. Pieces of thick, buttery, and fluffy toast accompanied by rich cheese caught my eyes first. Then it was the sweet but bitter Mikan fruit pieces sitting next to our slightly sour yogurt topped with homemade citrus mikan jam made by our Guesthouse RICO hostess herself. Of course it was all pulled together with a warm cup of tea. I gushed over my meal and took too many pictures before diving in and, trust me; it tastes as good as it looks. Every taste bud awakened before 8 AM? That was something I could get used to. Luckily, I had time to do just that because I tasted many versions of this meal over the next 12 days. One breakfast from a little café near the hostel still had the delicious toast that smelled heavenly, but also eggs that weren’t too runny with a dollop of ketchup. There was rich coffee instead of tea, two creamy but light salads with flavorful sauces, and a piece of pork where I expected bacon to be, that was tender and made with care. And of course I had to have one in Osaka for my last breakfast in Japan. It was bread, eggs, coffee, and the perfect send off.

Trying on local attire

Truly comparing Japan to the US involves a complex analysis. But in the case of “what can 5 USD vs. 500 yen get you for breakfast?”, the difference was clear. When I eat out in the US, I’m expecting a bang for my buck meal with as many components as possible, the actual quality being neither here nor there. The Japanese meals were well done, simple, filling, and not overwhelming. They were fresh, cheap, and always way better than I expected for the price. Am I going to replicate the meals at home? I don’t know if I have the time or the skills. Will I keep getting huge bagels that can hardly fit in the toaster (I’m looking at you Café Rachel)? Not as often, that’s for sure. My post-Japan mission has been to find something just as satisfying right in between.

When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.

Study abroad reflections: Taiwan and Japan

An interview with Indigo Baloch (BA Creative Writing and Journalism, 2017) by Sarah Bangley

Indigo studied abroad in Taiwan (Maymester 2016) and Japan (summer of 2016).

MM 2016 field experience students in Taiwan

Sarah Bangley (SB): Did you receive any scholarships?

Indigo Baloch (IB): Because I took more than 6 credits I was able to use both my study abroad voucher ($1200) and the International certificate voucher ($1800), I also received a scholarship from from the institution I was studying at in Japan.


SB: Tell me about your experience—what did you enjoy the most?

IB: I loved all of the amazing things that were planned for our trip. On the Maymester to Taiwan, Dr. Kingsbury and Dr. Chung curated so many incredible experiences for us. And my program in Kyoto planned out so many field trips and club meetings—so I could get a very rich idea of the culture and area.


SB: Did you travel anywhere fun?

IB: Definitely! On both trips I had countless adventures! My favorite in Taiwan was going to the town of Jiufen. My favorite in Japan was going to the Ghibli Museum with a family friend.


SB: What do you miss?

IB: Everything—but especially the food!


SB: What large-scale challenges did you face?

IB: I did face a lot of exhaustion. There was a lot to do all the time and I wanted to do it all. However, especially once I started my program in Kyoto, I also had schoolwork to worry about. I wanted to do so many things, but my body couldn’t always keep up with me.


SB: What was the take-away from your experience? Do you feel like you’ve changed or grown?

IB: Definitely! I’m so thankful for my time abroad, and thankful to everyone who helped make it possible. Because of my experience, I’d love to teach in Taiwan or Japan some day.

Indigo with friends at Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts in Japan

SB: How did you discover your study abroad program?

IB: Dr. Kingsbury was the person who told me about the program at Doshisha University in Kyoto. And then the Maymester in Taiwan was planned facilitated by her. I couldn’t have done any of it without her.


SB: What words of advice would you give to a student considering the study abroad program?

IB: Think about your goals for your time abroad and sit down with Karin Chipman in the study abroad office.  If there are any gaps or problems, she can help! She will make sure you have the most perfect experience possible.


SB: Any final remarks?

IB: I’m so thankful to have gone to a school that really tried to promote studying abroad and I hope more students go for it too.


Allison in London-land: A Study Abroad Experience

By Sarah Bangley, Chatham Undergraduate Student, ELP Intern

In the spring of 2016, Allison Albitz (‘17) studied abroad at Goldsmiths University, located in London. I sat down with her to talk about some of her experiences while in the UK.

SB: What did you enjoy the most?

AA: Being in the city was the thing I enjoyed the most. The whole geography of London is mapped into zones. One is the center of the city; we were in zone two, in Lewisham. I loved exploring and being able to go from quiet to bustling and back again.

SB: Did you travel anywhere while in Europe?

AA: I actually got to take a few trips. I took a tour to Stonehenge and stopped in Bath along the way— they had incredible Roman baths. I took a tour group trip to Ireland and visited Dublin and Galway. It was good and bad— I didn’t enjoy being in a group. I wish I could have just done it with friends, but I did get to see more of Ireland than I would have on my own. Our trip to Scotland was my favorite! We got to explore castles. That was one of the benefits of being in London: being able to travel to all of these places fairly inexpensively.

SB: What kind of classes did you take at Goldsmiths?

AA: I only took 4 classes while I was there. The Art of the Novel was a great lecture course in which we studied various novels, and it felt a lot like a class at Chatham. Modern American Lit was another English course, and I had a very interesting perspective to bring. It was more discussion-based, and I had a great time hearing about the impact American literature from an international perspective.

I took a course called London Theatre, which was made for study abroad students. Each week we saw a production at a different theatre in London, and it was a great opportunity to not only see various productions, but also experience different areas of the city. Finally, I took a class called Urban London in which we travelled to different parts of the city and learned about the histories of various areas. That too gave me the opportunity to go to places I wouldn’t have sought out on my own.

SB: What do you miss?

AA: The candy— that was one thing, especially with brands you can’t get here. I wanted to try as many authentically British things that I could. Anything Cadbury was always my favorite. I loved Wagonwheels— candy made with marshmallow and chocolate and cookie with jam in the middle— they blew my mind! Less specifically, I miss the free access to museums— my friends and I went to museums every weekend. I feel like that educated me a lot.

SB: What large-scale challenges did you face?

AA: I think I dealt with a lot of homesickness that I wasn’t expecting. I live in Dallas, so I already went to school far from home. I remember missing familiar amenities like grocery stores. Especially in the middle of it, two months in, it really hit.

SB: What small-scale challenges did you not expect?

AA: I think navigation was something that was definitely a learning curve as getting lost is not my favorite thing! I had to get more comfortable with getting lost since I was traveling so much. Also money— trying to figure out pounds (and pence!)

SB: What was the take-away from your experience?

AA: I generally learned a lot more just by being there than I did in the classroom— just a sense of self-sufficiency. I found myself very confident that I could go to an unfamiliar city, make friends, and navigate, just in the few months that I was there.

SB: What words of advice would you give to a student considering the study abroad program?

AA: Do it! I was terrified before I went. I was very anxious about the prospect of not knowing anyone in my program, but I ended up having experiences I never expected and made great friends. Don’t let fear stop you!

Use the resources that the University gives over there, because they’ll provide you with opportunities like trips and mixers that you wouldn’t get otherwise. Do the touristy things you want to do, but branch out and explore as well! We went to the big restaurants and museums, but we also went to the tiny restaurants nearby. And make sure you take a good camera!

Congratulations 2017 study abroad scholarship recipients!

We are pleased to recognize the following Chatham students who are recipients of the following study abroad scholarships:

Vira I. Heinz Program for Women in Global Leadership – Kelly O’Donnell (Ireland), Carina Stopenksi (South Africa), and Maria Taylor (Morocco)

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship – Sivan Nizan (Costa Rica)

Glenda Rich DeBroff ’60 Memorial Scholarship  – Eden Bloom (Spain)

Theo Colborn-Rachel Carson Endowed Scholarship Award for Environmental Studies – Sivan Nizan (Costa Rica)

Sally Mercke Heym ’63 Memorial Award for Cross Cultural Understanding – Jacqueline Litz (Russia)

Lorin Maazel-Rachel Carson Scholarship Award for Environmental Studies – Sivan Nizan (Costa Rica)

When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.


Scholarships for Study Abroad: Gilman Scholarship

Veritas University, Costa Rica

There are many scholarship and fellowship opportunities for students and recent graduates to study, intern and/or do research overseas, including the Gilman scholarship.

The Gilman scholarship is a program of the US Department of State. Named after retired congressman Benjamin A. Gilman from New York,  this scholarship program is open to U.S. citizen undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a  college or university to use toward study and intern abroad programs worldwide.  Applications for spring 2018 and summer 2018 (early application) study abroad will open in mid-August and will be due in early October.

The program encourages students to study and intern in a diverse array of countries and world regions and to study languages, especially critical need languages (those deemed important to national security and diplomacy).

Applications are reviewed holistically, with consideration of the academic preparedness and impact on the student’s academic and career trajectory; diversity of the student’s background and experience; the student’s choice of program and destination; and the impact to the student’s community.

Sivan Nizan, a junior at Chatham studying Policy Studies  and Sustainability  has been awarded a Gilman scholarship for summer 2017.  She will study Spanish, sustainability and political science at Veritas University in San Jose, Costa Rica this summer.  Congratulations Sivan!

Costa Rica – pura vida

If you are interested in applying for the Gilman scholarship or other study abroad scholarships or overseas fellowships, please contact the Office of International Affairs so that we may be of assistance.

When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.

My experience studying in Grenoble, France

by Jess Turner

Grenoble France

Traveling alone to Grenoble, France changed my sense of self. Through this experience, I learned to become independent and strong. Everyday, I had to communicate in a new language.

At first, I didn’t have any friends, so I had a lot of alone time. In that alone time, I found a clear identity, and I began to admire myself. After a few weeks in the program, I was able to make friends. I established special connections with people from France, Saudi Arabia, England, South Africa, Mexico, and Spain. These are connections that I will maintain throughout my life.

By the end of the program, I was able to speak and understand the language with confidence. It is such an intimate experience, to be surrounded by a new and beautiful language. I miss hearing it, so, I am excited to go back this summer. I had such a life changing experience that I am currently looking into programs to teach and live in Grenoble. I fell in love with the city—the mountains, the people, the rivers, the food, the wine.

My host mom was a perfect match for me. Each night she made me a home cooked meal. She was very patient with my French, considering that I only speak at an intermediate level. She gave me the perfect amount of space, and she always invited me out with her friends and family.

One of my favorite parts about Grenoble was taking the tram every morning to my university. The ride took about 10 minutes and along the way, I watched the mountains pass by and listened to the people around me chat quietly in French. Altogether, studying abroad changed my life. I wish that I could have stayed longer than 6 weeks, but I am sure that one day, I will call Grenoble home.

Jess Turner studied in France in spring 2017.  When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.

Transportation: Thailand and Beyond

by Christin Cook

One of my very first impressions of Thailand was how different the transportation was from that found in the United States.  After disembarking from the plane, after far too many hours spent awake, the hour-long drive to Salaya provided me with a dizzying view from my window.  This impression was reinforced during my semester there, as well as my time spent traveling to other regions in Southeast and South Asia.  I wanted to share some of the interesting modes of transportation I saw during my 5 months in Asia.  This list is by no means comprehensive, but it gives a glimpse to the eclectic and always interesting mix that can be found, from the gravelly back roads to the massive highways.


Motorized Food Stalls

I quickly found that many of the best restaurants in Thailand could roll away on a moments notice.  Most street stalls have wheels but the level of power greatly differs, for example, some are attached to motorbikes and others to bicycles.

Auto Rickshaws

Auto rickshaws, or Tuk Tuks were ubiquitous in all the countries I visited.  They can be a fun way to see a new city, but keep in mind they vibrate intensely and offer no protection from the often-horrendous traffic pollution.


I saw a huge variety in the types of cars driven in Southeast Asia.  In Thailand, I found that the majority was in very good repair, sometimes more so than in my home city it seemed.  This is a picture of the old fashioned white cars that appeared to be popular among politicians in India.

This is an image from the New Year’s water celebration in Laos, in which people both in and out of the cars douse each other with water.


This is a typical bus that I would take to classes in the morning.  The doors did not function anymore, which was nice as it provided a breeze on hot mornings.  Large buses, often double decker, were also very common for tours and trips both domestic and international.

This is an image from a University club field trip to Ayutthaya, Thailand with Thai and other international students.


Waterways remain an integral part of everyday life in Southeast Asia, whether for transportation, shipping, or recreational purposes. In central Bangkok, boats carry passengers and cargo through the canals.

In this image you can see brightly painted boats that carry passengers from the mainland to smaller islands off the coast.

And in this image, rows of boats are moored along the sleepy Mekong River.

There are so many more that could be added to the list…from the crowded overnight buses, to the speeding vans, to the converted pickup trucks, Southeast Asia has it all.  To me, this fascinating variety seems entirely at home among the vibrant, often chaotic, bustling everyday life that attracted me from my very first day there.

Christin Cook studied in Thailand in spring 2015.  When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.

Scholarships for study abroad – fall 2017 / spring 2018

Are you on the hunt for additional funding to study abroad in fall 2017 and/ or spring 2018?

Here are three study abroad scholarship opportunities open to all majors:

Tortuga Backpacks  (deadline for fall study abroad is May 20, 2017)

All the Rooms (deadline is August 1, 2017)

FlipKey  (deadline is August 15, 2017)

Check each link above for eligibility, requirements and rules.

See Chatham’s website for Chatham experiential learning scholarships, and a list of outside scholarship opportunities.

When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.

Studying abroad? Know your housing options

Although some study abroad programs have a set housing arrangement, some programs offer students a choice of housing. These options may include a homestay, dormitory or student apartment.  How do you choose the right option for you?

You should carefully consider your study abroad goals before making a housing choice. There are pros and cons to every option.  Note that standards of living vary by country.

Juliet Casinelli, summer 2016, Havana, Cuba, with her homestay family.

Homestay/ Living with a Family

 This is a good option if your goal is to increase your language proficiency and/ or experience the local culture in an informal setting. Living with a family will provide insights you would be unlikely to obtain in other housing options.

 Accept differences between your host family and your family at home with an open mind. There will be an adjustment period, but try to get involved in their lives and to contribute to the household.

 A small gift for your family is nice gesture. Ideas: US calendars, chocolate, small toys for the children (not too noisy).

 Check with your family before giving out their phone number, address, or inviting guests over.

 If you smoke, check with the family regarding rules for smoking in the house. If you are a non-smoker be aware that in some countries, there are more people who smoke.

 Use electricity and hot water conservatively. Utility costs are much more expensive abroad.

 Communicate your travel plans with your host family, especially if you are going to miss meals.

 If you have concerns about your host family, talk to your on-site resident director.

 Residence Halls/Student Apartments

 Students who are used to having the freedom to come and go as they please, stay up as late as they’d like, and have guests at all hours may prefer student apartments or dormitories.

 Accept differences between you and your roommates with an open mind.

 If you smoke, discuss rules for smoking with your roommates. Non-smokers should be aware that more people smoke abroad than in the US.

 Consider establishing rules for overnight visitors, cleaning, etc., before it becomes an issue.

 Be considerate of others and communicate respectfully when differences occur.

When deciding on housing, students should assess and prioritize factors like commitment to cultural immersion, importance of meeting the local community versus importance of meeting other students, as well as their dedication to the language, No matter what decisions are made,

When will you study abroad?  For more information about study abroad options, scholarships and the study abroad process, please contact or visit us at the Office of International Affairs in Falk Hall, lower level.

Study abroad this summer in Korea or Japan

We have just received information and applications for exciting and affordable summer study abroad programs:

Dates:  June 26-July 21, 2017

Eligibility:  undergraduate men and women (must be returning to Chatham for at least fall semester 2017).  GPA of 2.0 or higher required. Applicants’ eligibility will be reviewed including academic, judicial and financial clearances.

Course: The BIP program includes lectures in aspects of Korean history, politics, food and culture as well as several field trips and activities. (3 credits)

Fee:  $300 per person. This includes airport pick-up, program participation, lectures, some of the activities and field trips, housing, and board (breakfast and lunch on weekdays) throughout the duration of the program. Dinner on weekdays, meals on weekends, and airport drop-off are not included.  Transportation to and from Korea not included.

$1200 study abroad voucher is available for eligible undergraduate students.

Applications must be submitted to OIA, Falk 003 by April 14, 2017. 

Please submit with your application: Copy of your passport ID page, two passport sized photos and $300 fee (cash, check or money order).

Ochanomizu University Summer program in Tokyo, Japan.


 Dates: Japanese course (three levels, no prior language required) July 8-July 28, 2017 OR Culture and Society Course July 15-July 28, 2017

Eligibility:  undergraduate men and women (must be returning to Chatham for at least fall semester 2017).  GPA of 2.0 or higher required. Applicants’ eligibility will be reviewed including academic, judicial and financial clearances.

Courses:  you may apply for a Japanese language course (3 weeks) or Culture and Society (2 weeks, taught in English). Culture and Society students will choose from 3 sub topics: 1. Gender from Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2. Digging in Japanese food culture: What is Authenticity of traditional food? 3. Evolution in Natural Science: From Beginning to Becoming.

Fee: Tuition is free. Cultural events included. Traveling costs to/from Tokyo, accommodation fee, and living cost (meals and local transportation) are the responsibility of the students. Guest houses will be arranged for 50-60,00 JPY for 2 weeks or 60-70,000 JPY for 3 weeks.  $1200 study abroad voucher is available for eligible undergraduate students.

Applications are available in OIA (Falk lower level) and must be submitted by April 14, 2017.

Summer School at Kansai University,, application guidelines at

Dates. 2 week programs June 25-July 8 and July 9-July 22. 4 week program June 25-July 22.

Eligibility. undergraduate men and women (must be returning to Chatham for at least fall semester 2017).  GPA of 2.0 or higher required. Applicants’ eligibility will be reviewed including academic, judicial and financial clearances.

Courses:  Students may enroll in one course per 2 week term.  Courses available in first 2 weeks: Business and Japanese People or Global PBL (Ethnography of Osaka Japan) Courses available in second 2 weeks: Global Sociology or Contemporary Japanese Society and Culture.  Optional Japanese survival course available. (additional fee)

Fee: Tuition is 170,000 Japanese yen per person for 2 week program.  Tuition is 330,000 Japanese yen for 4 week program. Apartment stay is included, additional fee for homestay option and optional Japanese language survival course.  Cultural events included. Traveling costs to/from Tokyo and living cost (meals and local transportation) are the responsibility of the students. $1200 study abroad voucher is available for eligible undergraduate students.

Please submit with your application:  Official transcript required.

Applications due to Kansai University by April 21, 2017.  See for details.

Summer program at Okayama University, Japan

Dates: June 22 to July 14, 2017.

Eligibility. undergraduate men and women (must be returning to Chatham for at least fall semester 2017).  GPA of 2.0 or higher required. Applicants’ eligibility will be reviewed including academic, judicial and financial clearances.

Courses: 3 credits, the theme of the program is “The Environment and People in Globalization.”

Fee:  Tuition is approx.. $419.  Scholarship: 80,000 JPY (Approx. 762 USD) For students with GPA 2.3 or higher (according to the JASSO scale) from partner universities.

Accommodation Options: For 23 daysTwin room: 69,000 JPY (Approx. 657 USD)  Single room: 110,000 JPY or 122.000 JPY (Approx. 1048 USD or 1162 USD)

Application deadline is April 24, 2017.  See details at